Posts Tagged ‘book review’

Random reads from my Kindle library


I have over 400 books on my Kindle. That’s 40 pages, with 10 titles per page. Kind of overwhelming! I know I need to do more reading, but I was flummoxed about where to start. Since I’ve been using to pick winners on my blog, I decided to use it to pick  my next five reads.


Actually, I picked six reads, but as it turns out, I didn’t enjoy one of them enough to finish it. I won’t mention the title or author. Indies have a hard enough go of it to build an audience, and I am acutely aware that just because a book doesn’t work for me doesn’t mean it won’t work for someone else.


Okay, so here’s a mini-roundup/review of the five I did finish and enjoy.


  1. Operation Endgame (When the Mission Ends), by Christi Snow – $2.99 || |I really enjoyed this story, which is Christi Snow’s debut. It’s a romantic suspense of the woman-in-jeopardy variety where the heroine (Cassie) has a stalker and the hero (Jake) is trying to protect her. But Caissie is a jock and an expert in military strategy, so she’s not exactly the helpless female. That said, Caissie did do a few things that had me screaming at my Kindle, “No! Don’t do that!” You know, like when you’re watching a horror movie and you just know what’s going to happen if character X does action Y and you’re helpless to stop it. I actually liked both characters – who had delicious chemistry, and the plot kept me guessing. Oh, and here’s a twist – when was the last time you read a romantic suspense that was also a friends-to-lovers story? I don’t know that I ever have, but it worked. My verdict? I’ll be buying the next one in this series. 🙂 
  2. Bleed for Me (Vampire Romance), a novella by Cynthia Eden – $0.99 || Loved this one. Full stop. I know with novellas people often say, “I wish it was longer!”. Well, I wasn’t left with that feeling at all. To me, it was a perfectly constructed story that took exactly as long as it needed. Now that’s talent! I loved these characters from page 1. Apollo, the Greek god of the sun, takes one look at Terese Lafitte, a newly-minted vampire, and knows he has to have her. But Terese comes complete with issues over the “monsterhood”, as well as a psychotic stalker. God or not, Apollo has his hands full. I can’t say I was surprised to love this one so much, since Cynthia Eden is such a fine writer.
  3. Space Rats and Rebels, by Mimi Riser – $2.99 || This was a positive and unexpected delight. I’ve read Mimi Riser before and knew it would be a solid, quality read, but I was ambivalent about the genre. I adored Firefly, but as a rule, I don’t glom space operas. I’m going to have to re-evaluate that stance. Mimi Riser has a talent for story telling and a light touch with comedic relief. Here’s the description: “In a conquered galaxy of the far future, only two rebel groups still dare to resist the plague of tyranny – the solar system Gaeas-7 at one end, and the RAT fleet at the other. But the Gaeans and RATs don’t know of each other’s fights, and both are facing imminent destruction. Will they be able to join forces in time for one last desperate stand against an overwhelming evil?”  I lapped it up. 🙂 
  4. That Kind of Magic, by Ceri Hebert – $2.99 || This was a really recent acquisition, one of those that I bought not only to support a fellow indie author, but because the blurb captured me. Here’s the description that sucked me in: “What’s a witch to do when she refuses to use magic to find love? What if she falls in lust with a man who doesn’t believe in the power of magic? Charlotte is a beautiful Wiccan who has her own shop of magical supplies and a matchmaking goddess. Patrick is a straight-laced, non-believer who, in his determination to keep his sister away from the influences of magic and witchcraft, finds himself falling for a witch. Neither can stop the erotic journey they’ve embarked on but they don’t know if they can accept each other’s very different lives.” I very much enjoyed this one. The author does a fantastic job on the sensual scenes. Erotic but tasteful. 
  5. Ghost of Winters Past, by Gail MacMillan – $4.99  ||  I’m actually still reading this, but at 60% done, I think I can pass judgment. I was especially pleased that this one turned up in the mix because Gail is a fellow New Brunswicker. She’s from the north of the province, and her book is set that rugged area. Michaela has come home from Toronto to give her aunt and uncle a break by managing their wilderness bed & breakfast lodge while they get away. And we’re talking true wilderness here, with snowmobiles being the mode of transport for citizens and RCMP alike. Travis MacDonald has chosen a nearby cabin to rusticate hermit-style, complete with sled dogs. Gail MacMillan gives us a murder mystery to solve along with a developing romance that will have to be as tough as their environment to survive. I’m thoroughly enjoying it! 
That was so much fun, I think I’ll choose six more randomly, if only to see if the approval rate is so high with the next batch.
Anyone else game to try it?