Posts Tagged ‘Ashlyn’s Radio’

Cool new widget!

So, I’m not the most tech savvy blogger/author/writer person you ever met, but I do like a cool widget. Here’s one I nabbed from If I’ve done this properly, you should be able to see all my books below on a carousel!

Okay, they’re not all MY books. Several are collaborations with my writing partner, Heather Doherty. Those would be the very kick-ass YAs, THE SUMMONING and ASHLYN’S RADIO.

So, just push an arrow and watch the carousel turn. Wheeee!

Also, if I’ve done this right, if you hover your mouse over the book, it’ll show you how many reviews the book has and what the average star rating is. And if you  click on a book, it’ll take you to Amazon where you can BUY it!

So, what do you think? Is this not nine levels of AWESOME?