Posts Tagged ‘sexy paranormal romance’

Workspace Wednesday welcomes Cynthia Eden


I am very pleased and honored to have Cynthia Eden as my Workspace Wednesday guest. Cynthia is a USA Today best-selling author of sexy paranormal romance, dark romantic suspense and young adult paranormal. (I’m trying not to go all fan-girl here, but having just finished Bleed for Me, a novella in the Loved by Gods series, it’s kinda hard!)



Take it away, Cynthia.


CYNTHIA EDEN:  Happy Wednesday, everyone! And a big thanks to the wonderful Norah for having me over—I’m excited to share my workspace with you. 😉


Some authors have truly fabulous offices. They are so well organized.  So clean and perfect.  Yes, ahem, I am not one of those authors.  Though I did try to clean up my nook a bit for the picture.  Here you go:


Cynthia Eden's desk


This is my main writing area.  A computer and a view—that’s all I truly need. When I’m working on a tough scene, I’ll pause and let my gaze drift out of the window. I can get lost staring out of that window, then, when the scene clicks, my gaze snaps back to that computer, and it’s time for me to get back to work.


Do you see the lovely green decorations (AKA sticky notes) on my computer? That’s my method for keeping track of things that I MUST do—like, yesterday.  Scenes that I need to add, posts that I need to write, dental appointments that I shouldn’t miss. See, I told you that I wasn’t one of those uber organized authors.


But I have my methods.


I like to keep things close by that make me smile—like Snoopy and my gargoyles.




Snoopy is a writer, too, so he understands how easy it is to get stuck in a scene… “It was a dark and stormy night…” When I look at Snoopy, he makes me smile. My gargoyles (See no evil, Hear no evil, and Speak no evil) also inspire me during the day.  It’s the little things that can truly make me happy—and these guys make me feel comforted as I write.


Of course, what writing space is complete without books? And I’ve got lots of books…lots and lots of them.



My shelves overflow, but I think that’s a good thing.


I have research books, pleasure reading books, books for contests—I have all kinds of books on my shelves.  You never know when you’ll need to research vampires or serial killers, so I believe in being well-stocked.



I also believe in keeping some fun adornments on my shelves.  Spooky decorations aren’t just for Halloween at my house—I write about paranormal monsters and killers, so yes, those spooky decorations are on display year round.



And that’s it. My space. Where the writing magic happens (or at least—where I want that writing magic to happen!).  Thank you for taking a look at my space. I hope you enjoyed the photos.


And, as a thank you for coming by, I’d like to give one commenter a $10 gift card. Just tell me…what books are on *your* shelves?  One random commenter will be selected as the winner.


Thank you, Cynthia! I love your space, and adore that it isn’t perfectly tidy. Predictably, I love the built-in bookcase. I always love the built-in bookcase. Actually, after having seen so many romance authors’ writing caves, I’m beginning to think that the built in bookcase – preferably in white or antique white – is astonishingly universal. (Note to self:  Explore significance of the prevalence of white bookcases in a future blog…)


Okay, before turning it over to comments, I wanted to share some contact information for Cynthia.


Cynthia’s Official Fan Page on Facebook

Cynthia’s Twitter

For other social media, or to check Cynthia out more closely, visit her blog.


Cynthia has a brand new book out — her first young adult paranormal. The Better to Bite is available for Kindle for the awesome price of $2.99. (Got mine.)



Adult paranormal more your thing? The newest installment in her Kensington Brava The Fallen series Angel in Chains is due out 11/27/12. Watch for it!