Workspace Wednesday welcomes Elisabeth Naughton


I’m loving Wednesdays more and more! Today it’s my privilege and pleasure to have as my Workspace Wednesday guest the lovely and talented Elisabeth Naughton. I’ve never met Elisabeth in person, but I’ve gotten to know her a bit from our cyber-paths crossing. Her online persona is just as warm, lovely and gracious as you might guess from her photo.



Okay, over to Elisabeth.


ELISABETH: I guess you could say I’m more concerned with how productive I am when I write than where I write.  Over the years I’ve discovered two things about my productivity: 1) I can’t work on a desktop. I need a laptop to be productive, and 2) I can edit just about anywhere, but when it comes to new writing, I can only be productive somewhere soft.


Below is a picture of my desk. Gorgeous, huh? I love it. Love how it’s built into a bay window, love the natural light from the window and the view. Unfortunately, it’s not soft. Which means I can do just about everything here—answer emails, do promo, even edit—but I can’t write here. Since I’ve developed neck issues from hunching over my laptop, my doctor (who is a D.O.) and I go around and around about this. But alas…gorgeous desk space, zero writing.



To the right is my bookshelf. Built-ins are awesome. We originally had this office designed for my hubby but I’ve since taken it over. I have lots of great places for my books, for my research materials, and plenty of storage space for all those office supplies so they’re tucked away from view. And when I’m working in here (on promo or marketing or mail-outs or emails or general office work), I’m highly productive. But again…no writing gets done here.



Where do I write then? Here, of course:



Yep, that’s my living room. I usually sit cross-legged on the couch with my laptop on my lap. Hence, the neck issues as I hunch over. If I can’t be productive in the living room, then I move here (yes, I’m nomadic):



This is my Lazy Boy recliner in our great room. I can only really work here when the house is silent, otherwise people are around me watching TV and generally just being noisy. (Notice the can of Diet Coke on the end table. Can’t write without that either.)


But, because I have three Gremlins (er, kids), if they’re in the house, I usually have to leave, which means searching for a coffeehouse that has…yep, you guessed it…couches or comfy chairs. Easier said than done. I think I’ve been to every coffeehouse in my area and have found only a couple spots that will work. But because I like to get up and down when writing and can’t sit for long periods of time, these aren’t always great solutions either. There’s also the issue of food. Why do coffeehouses ONLY serve pastries and coffee?


At the moment, I can’t wait until Panera Bread opens near my house in January. I’m hoping that will become my new office. Comfy chairs, wifi, QUIET, and yummy food. We’ll see how long it lasts.


If ONLY I could write at my desk!



A former junior high science teacher, Bestselling Author Elisabeth Naughton traded in her red pen and test tube set for a laptop and research books. She now writes sexy romantic adventures and hot paranormal novels full time from her home in western Oregon where she lives with her husband and three children. Her work has been nominated for numerous awards, including the prestigious RITA awards by Romance Writers of America, the Australian Romance Reader Awards, the Golden Leaf and the Golden Heart. When not writing, Elisabeth can be found running, hanging out at the ballpark, or dreaming up new and exciting adventures. Visit her on the web at



Thank you for that tour, Elisabeth. And oh my, I do love that red chair! But I totally fell in love with that desk in the bay window. I think I could make it work for me! LOL.


Okay, before we get to the giveaways (yes, plural!), I just want to put a plug in for Elisabeth’s wonderful books.


I so need to read her Eternal Guardians series from the beginning. Here’s the tagline for ENSLAVED (#5), the cover for which appears below:


GRYPHON—Honorable, loyal, dependable…tainted. He was the ultimate warrior before imprisonment in the Underworld changed him in ways he can’t ignore.



Prefer a Gladiator? All I had to read from the blurb for SLAVE TO PASSION (Firebrand #2) when it released last week was “Kill them all…”, and I clicked that One Click button. I have a feeling I’m going to be picturing the amazing  and much-missed Andy Whitfield as I read this one.



Okay, we promised a giveaway. Elisabeth is offering two prizes: FIRST PRIZE – an Advance Reading Copy of ENSLAVED,  which releases on November 6, 2012; and SECOND PRIZE – an ebook copy of SLAVE TO PASSION, Book 2 in Firebrand series, which is newly released.


For a chance to win, all you have to do is comment. Tell me what you liked best about Elisabeth’s workspace. Tell us your best advice for laptop-induced neck pain. Tell us what you love about Elisabeth and/or her stories. I will use Random.Org to generate the winners from the comments received.


79 Responses to “Workspace Wednesday welcomes Elisabeth Naughton”

  • Tori Scott:

    I want that office chair! Where did you find it?

    • Tori – I do love my office chair! Swivels, goes up and down, and it’s comfy (although not soft enough for me to be creative…go figure. LOL)

      Hubby actually got it for me but I just asked him and he said he got it at Costco. I LOVE Costco. They have great “stuff”.

  • I want the entire office! I’ve been shopping for a desk (when did that become the most important piece of furniture in my life?)and I think Elisabeth’s desk would work. Wanna sell it? J

  • You had me at “red chair.” Such a nice spot! It’s good to have multiple places to work. I find that my creativity is better when I’m more fluid and not so rigid about my habits. Great interview!

  • Love the windows and natural light at your built in desk! I sit in my late mother-in-laws sewing area (actually a small, converted 4’X 3′ closet we built for her with an ‘L’ shaped shelf). The shelf is rather high, thus no need to “hunch over” the desktop computer’s keyboard. Since it sits rather high, I look the monitor right “in the eye” so am able to sit back, fairly straight up. I love the fact that you write hot paranormal romance. My first novel “Immortal Relations,” has been called “erotic” or at the least “hot.” It wasn’t written to be either, it is more of an action novel, but labled as Romance by the editor. There is a back-story which caused it to be written (outlined in the first couple of pages). That part of the book is in “Look Inside” on AMAZON & KINDLE, if you’re interested. It will soon to be a series when “Immortal Relations, Love & War” comes out late this month or early Oct. I’d like to read your paranormal novels, do you have a suggestion of which I should check out first?

    • Congrats on your debut release, G.D.! It’s funny you mention “erotic” and “hot”. I get various ratings based on reviewer interpretation. Some books RT has labeled as “scorching” and some as “hot”. Since they all seem to have the same heat level to me, I can’t tell the difference, but I guess it’s all in the eye of the reader!

      As for where to start…I work hard to make each book stand alone…so that new readers can pick up any book in the series and figure out what’s going on, but readers tell me it’s MUCH more interesting to start at the beginning. So I would probably recommend starting with MARKED (book 1). The order of Eternal Guardian books (so far) is:

      MARKED – book 1
      ENTWINED – book 2
      TEMPTED – book 3
      ENRAPTURED – book 4
      ENSLAVED – book 5 (releases in November 2012)

  • Beautiful desk. I love the dark room. I’m the exact opposite, I write at the desk/on my desk top, but my lap top is for everything else.

    Thanks for the peek into your writing world.

    • Thanks for stopping by, Lynn! We’re all wired differently, aren’t we? Right now I’m sitting at my desk responding to these comments and doing office work. But when it comes time to write my words, you know I’ll be moving into the other room. LOL

  • I loved the interview. I find I’m the most productive in bed. I write my first draft longhand and when my husband watches football, I write.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    • Cynthia, I’m AMAZED you can write while football is on in the background. I can’t do it. Have tried but it doesn’t work.

      My critique partner, Joan Swan, also writes in bed. I’ve tried that angle (definitely soft!) but I find I’m TOO relaxed there. Most of the time I end up closing my eyes and drifting to sleep. LOL

  • Roxy Boroughs:

    The bay window is LOVELY. But I can see how the light might be a problem. Perhaps a canopy?

    Love the book covers. And this workspace series. Thank you Nora and Elizabeth.

    • Hi Roxy!

      The light in my office actually isn’t a problem. That picture of my desk is just a little dark because I took it late in teh day. I have trees outside that block the direct sunlight but it’s fine for working. More than anything it’s just the sitting upright thing that messes with my muse (she is so fickle!).

      Glad you like the book covers. I have an amazing cover designer!

  • I love the chair but I really want that desk. Of course, I might be too busy looking outside to write. The book covers are amazing!

  • Love the built ins, especially the desk and shelves. Too bad you can’t write there, the view is wonderful. When you get the Panera, their macaroni and cheese is excellent, and so is the Steak and Bleu Cheese salad. I just wish they had Dr Pepper.

  • Virginia Doremus:

    While I love all of your work spaces, and appreciate the need for a comfy writing place (one of mine is on top of a HUGE teddy bear)… I love your library/shelves of books best. Because that’s what it’s all for after all. And I love what you write, so thank you for sharing with us!

    • Aw, thanks, Virginia. So glad you enjoy my books!

      Truth be told, that bookshelf is only a tiny section of my bookshelves. When we added on to our house a few years ago we added the office and a huge great room. The great room has the same built in bookshelves, but in there they runs the length of the room = roughly 20′. Four sections on one side, then the fireplace, then another two sections of bookshelves. And I have them PACKED with books. When we had them built the hubby said, “You’ll never fill those.” I had them filled within a few hours of them being done!

  • Jamie Drawdy:

    LOVE THE BOOKSHELF! My new home has 4 built in and they’re already loaded.

  • Windows windows windows!!! That must be why these books are phenomenal. I never use my laptop so good luck with that… lol


    I have read numerous series, some i could take my time with, some I could stop in the middle and restart later. You can NOT do that with Eternal Guardians. The details, the characters, the storyline, the action and mistery,the love, etc etc…. it is all there! I have to say this is by far my favorite series, ever.

  • Coleen K:

    Love the bookshelves! You can never have too many of them 🙂 I love your workspace but I have to agree that I would stare out the window and day dream (I mean plot my books, lol).

    Love, love, love your books and I can’t wait for Gryphon’s. This series is an auto buy for me. I’m going to have to check the other series out!

  • Winnie Lim:

    I think the work space is absolutely gorgeous. With the view, it should be the perfect writing space. I find Elisabeth’s comment about only being able to write where it’s soft very cute. I do understand the issues of neck pain. I have them due to my job too… being hunched down in front of the computer for 8 hrs a day gives you that. Perhaps you can try frequent massage Elisabeth?

    • I’ve started seeing a massage therapist, Winnie. Good suggestion! My family doctor is also a D.O. – which is a doctor of osteopathic medicine, meaning he focuses on the musculoskeletal system. Whenever I’m in serious neck pain he can twist me around and manipulate things until I’m back in alignment. It definitely helps, but I see him way too often it seems!

  • Sarah B:

    I love the whole office, but I can understand not using it. I too prefer a comfy couch or chair, and I too have neck and shoulder issues. I recommend finding a good massage therapist. Deep tissue massage works wonders. I love the Eternal Guardians series and the Stolen series because I love history woven into a story. And I’m a mythology fan, so the EG series feeds that. Wonderful work!

  • Sheryl Nyary:

    I love that desk space! I wish I had mine set under the bay windows like that. Beautiful pics

  • sheba holman:

    Just stopped by to support two wonderful authors. The office area does look great. Hope you and the doc can come to a compromise.

  • Laurie Ballard:

    I love the red chair, looks so comfy. Love your books after getting the first free on kindle i had to purchase the other and read them all in one weekend. I am waiting anxiously for Gryphon!

  • Brandee K.:

    Your office space is quite cozy looking. The natural light is soothing. A good dose of vitamin D never hurt anyone, especially when trying to be creative. I’m currently working from my living room. My sofa is the most comfortable place for me. One day soon, I hope to have my own office space to work from, which of course will include a built-in.

    My best suggestion is to stretch as often as possible. There is really no way to avoid neck pain when staring at a computer. Maybe you should try one of those exercise balls…lol. I hear they force you to maintain a certain posture while sitting on them. I for one have never attempted it. Always been to afraid I may doze off and fall to the floor.

    The Eternal Guardians series is by far my favorite of your works, although read most of your other works. Orpheus and Demetrius are my favorite. They’re both so dark, but underneath, the hearts they shield so desperately, hold love that knows no bounds when it comes to the women they love and the people they care for.

    I cannot wait for Gryphon’s story. I’ve already pre-ordered my Kindle version.

    • Brandee – I’ve heard exercise balls make great chairs! Would definitely strengthen my core, that’s for sure!

      And I’m glad you’re enjoying the Eternal Guardians! IF you like damaged heroes like Orpheus and Demetrius, I think you’re going to like Gryphon’s book. He’s by far my MOST damaged hero to date. I’ve been a little nervous about this book (I mean, c’mon…the guy hears voices…) but a lot of reviewers are saying it’s their favorite book in the series. So…can’t wait to hear what readers think!

  • We’ll be moving soon and I’ll be losing my dedicated office space. Current plan is to combine it with a guest bedroom…sooo…I’m thinking comfy pillow strewn daybed on one side and organized (yeah, right) productive looking office space on the other. Best of both worlds! I find I can only write at the desk (on the laptop)so Elizabeth, you’re welcome to stop by and use the cushy daybed area of the future office 🙂 Can’t wait for Gryphon’s story!

  • Raonaid Luckwell:

    Wow – wish I had a desk like that! I would totally use it. Fortunate my desk is smack in between the windows here and my brother gave us blinds. Where he works down in South Carolina he installs them. So he gave us some when they did a clean up, ones that they no longer use.

    Oh hail the Naughtiness!! LOL.. So yes you know how much I love your books!

  • Janna:

    I love that her workspace is so clean and uncluttered! My desk seems to be the place where everyone in the family dumps their stuff. I have a wonderful heating pad called the ‘magic bag’ which heats up in the microwave and sits across your shoulders and back of neck. Heaven. And last but not least, I love Elisabeth’s writing because from page one, I’m taken into her world and the characters are immediately brought to life. I love that it takes no time to lose yourself in her stories.

    • Janna – I nearly spewed diet coke on my laptop reading your comment! I WISH my desk looked that clean all the time!!!!

      And thanks for the great words about my series! So happy to hear you’re enjoying!!

  • Tammy Henderson:

    Ive replaced my desk chair with an exercise ball. Back and problems are gone. Highly recommend. People at work laugh at 1st, but 10 yrs at the same desk can’t be wrong. I was also having heel pain for years. Gone now that my feet are now flat on ground. Healthiest thing I’ve ever done for my work space.

  • Karen DeBusk:

    I love the office space. I couldn’t do anything but stare out that window so I definitely couldn’t write there either. I have a rice bag (extra material I had laying around, bought a bag of rice got the sewing machine out. Voila rice bag!) pop it in the microwave for 2 minutes. I kick back on the couch and put it on my neck and relax. On days that I need a little extra something, I use icy hot too!. Of course I do alternate heat and ice sometimes. It works for me! Now about EG series, it is my favorite! I just finished Slave to Passion yesterday. WOW! I just love Elisabeth Naughton! Sooooooo excited to read Gryphon’s story!

    • Karen – I think I have one of those rice things around here somewhere! I’ll have to dig it out!

      So glad you enjoyed SLAVE TO PASSION! I have a thing for gladiators so was thrilled that i got the chance to finally write a gladiator story.

      And I hope you enjoy Gryphon’s book!

  • Elizabeth H.:

    I love the window over the desk! I’d probably do my work on the couch too! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

  • Lovely office, and it seems that a lot of us are writing nomads.

  • Lisa Uranker:

    I love your desk! The bookshelves are wonderful. I love reading your books and looking forward to the next book. I can’t wait till you do Nick’s book. Keep up the great writing!

  • Vanessa N.:

    Loving the desk by the bay window. I love that the stories have warriors from ancient Greece. Thanks for the giveaway.

  • Amber Lovvorn:

    I love your whole office. I’m not a writer but when I have to get on the computer I like to be comfy so I use my recliner as well! Love your books and am looking forward to Gryphon’s story!

  • Jackie:

    I can’t wait for Gryphon’s book. I love this series.

    • Thank you, Jackie!

      I definitely have a soft spot for Gryphon so I hope you fall in love with his story. Little trivia…I actually planned to kill him off in TEMPTED, but my critique partner (Joan Swan) convinced me to only severely injure him. So glad I listened to her!

  • Cheryl:

    I love the bay window desk. It’s gorgeous! Please tell Elisabeth I’ll buy her any chair she wants to help her writing – I love her books so much!

  • Your office is a dream scene! Gorgeous!
    Stella MacLean
    The Christmas Inn, November 2012
    Harlequin Super Romance

  • Latochia Bell:

    I LOVE her office space, especially the bay window… But the chair… I think it looks way too comfortable… I would probably nap more than I work! And I also need to start her series from the beginning… I had started one of eternal guardians series, but realized it wasn’t the beginning, so had to put it aside… Hate to start in the middle… But all the descriptions sounds so good! Can’t wait to have enough time to read the series (preferably without long breaks!)

  • infinitieh:

    Love the bay window! All that natural light! My massage therapist goes on and on about how not ergonomic my work space is as well. One of these days…

    I love the Eternal Guardian series! I’ve loved Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology since middle school so that series is so fun for me as I try to remember all I read from wayyyy back.

    • Infinitieh…at my last massage, the therapist told me I needed to start taking a weight lifting class. I said, “Are you telling me I’m out of shape?!” She’s actually not totally off-base. I run 3-4 times per week but that doesn’t do anything for my upper body, and I think if i strengthen my back and shoulders it’ll help my neck pain. Gonna start next week (at least that’s the plan…)

      And so happy you’re enjoying my “guys”. I’m a sucker for mythology too. Every time I research for a new book, I learn something I didn’t know. (Like yesterday…I always knew Poseidon was a creep but after researching…yowza…that guy raped just about everyone. Ick!)

  • Debbie Bussie:

    I love your books. They are awesome. The best thing I have found for neck pain is Watkins Lavendar massage oil. Works in just a few minutes. Found it at Target. #ilovetarget. Lol. Keep it going. Love it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  • gamistress66:

    such lovely spaces — nice & comfy is good though I tend to like to spread stuff out so the lazy boy would never work for me. 🙂 If I try working in my living or family rooms, I usually end up sitting on the floor leaning against the chair or sofa instead of sitting on them. Looking forward to reading Enslaved 🙂

  • Viki S.:

    I love how comfortable it looks. That chair is perfect for curling up into and reading :). Thank you so much!

  • I love how the books on the bookscase are precise and clean and organized. Books mean a lot to me, so I am happy when people take pride in them. As for the neck stress…let me know what you come up with. The only tip I can give you is a nice 30 min massage on your neck and back. Takes a load off for me!

  • Thanks, Stephanie! I do love a good massage. I told DH I might need to get one every month. 🙂

  • Lori Gallagher:

    I’m late to this party, but had to say how much I love your office. But that red chair – wow – that really is reading/writing Nirvana. Plus, now that I’ve read all the comments about your series, I may have to make a trip to the bookstore. Thanks!

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